I do agree that by letting things take care of themselves makes them progressively more antifragile (or they die out) but I also don't understand how this is not in some way contradicting the fact that entropy rises over time, i.e. if we leave things alone, they will progress towards disorder and thus such problems won't solve themselves. It seems to me that the analogy is dangerous to apply to a lot of situation in everyday life.

The thing I would conclude is that no intervention is always better than a wrong one, but certainly not better than a good one.

I really enjoy reading your essays, and they are helping me discover new ways to think about things! I really appreciate that such writings are available to everyone :)

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Every metaphor pushed to its extreme looses its value.

Of course coping with decay and chaos is a necessary human thing. We are natural entropy postponers.

But the analogy points rather to the fact that some issues will resolve themselves when one is patient.

For example you can write ten mails back and forth to someone and contribute to confusion. Or you wait until every one acquires novel views and then enters the conversation with much less open points.

Thereby the passiveness and natural way of things have contributed to more Clarity.

I appreciate your comment very much and am glad to help.

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